Quite a bit has happened since the Spring Semester of 2020 was cut short. During that period NCE was threatened with complete loss of funding. It did receive some funds in the most recent Metro budget, but not as much as previous. This will mean some cuts and an increase in class fees. What those will be is being worked out.
CDE is doing what it can to help support NCE by trying to operate on just what we need so that NCE is better able to be self-supporting. Especially as without NCE, finding a venue to fence at would be problematic. The COVID-19 crisis has caused the loss of the Summer Semester, but we are working with NCE to be back in the Fall. It may be a later start than normal and of course there remains the issue of the virus. If there is not a better decrease in cases and hospitalizations from the virus, there is a danger of us losing the Fall Semester too. I hope that won't happen not just because of the impact on our fencing, but also the impact that so many illness will have on the community and the people in it. Stay safe, wear a mask (and not just a fencing mask), and I hope to see you in the Fall.